Thursday, June 22, 2006


Paris, Thursday, 22 June 06

10 am
I got up at 8:45 today (probably woke up at 8:00 because of floor creaking). I have been updating the journal since then. Renaud probably left at 8:30, and Christophe left at around 9:15.
I haven’t decided what I’ll do today. Today is the last day of my stretched museum card, so I might go to the Pantheon again, and try the Science and Technology museum which was not in my original itinerary. Renaud had suggested a museum that seems to be included in the museum card. Anyways, I should hurry up and get out soon.

(written on 23 June)
Well, all the above resolutions seem were gone, and I wasted the whole day reading a book from my hosts’ collection, Christopher Isherwood’s A Berlin Diary all day long. After I finished it, I went to the Palais Royale (which houses the Louvre) and walked along its gardens, the Tuilleries and then along the Champs Elyses to the Arch di Triomphe.

I took a lot of photographs there and then took the Metro to Hotel de Ville where I met Chris, with whom I had chatted with on the internet. He is originally from Poland, has been living in France since he was 13 (he is 32 now), and in Paris since 6 years. We went to a nice bar in the Marais.
He said he was terribly tired because the previous night he was out with his friends and while going back, he was chatting with a guy at the bus stop and they went back to his place; he had finally been able to go to sleep only at 5 am. He was nice to talk to, and certainly good looking; I wished he hadn’t made a conquest the previous night, and wasn’t so tired, else there might have been a chance. Disappointingly, romance seems to be out of question during this trip, but to be honest, I am not really trying either.

We left at 11:30 pm and I got a sandwich from the only shop that was open in Rue Cadet and got back just past midnight. I had to take the sandwich home because it was quite large and I couldn't eat it on the way. Both my hosts seemed to have retired to bed. I did too after finishing my sandwich.


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